Hi there! Welcome to my blog. My name is Susie and I’m super excited to be sharing all things motherhood, homemaking, and productivity related with you. Here’s a little about me and my family:
My hubby and I have been married for 9 years. We have moved so many times during the last decade and I wouldn’t have it any other way. We love a good adventure and a fresh start. We have a hard time staying put for too long. Although we love moving to new places, we finally settled down for a while in beautiful central VIrginia. We just bought our first home a few months ago and we are working hard to get settled in. So I’ll definitely be sharing a little about our new home soon!
After 7 years of life just the two of us, we decided it was time to add to our family. We got pregnant and found out we would be having a little girl. Emily Grace was a preemie who was born at just 34 weeks. She had to spend a few weeks in the NICU but thankfully she was able to overcome so much and is now perfectly healthy.
So now I’m a stay at home mama to a beautiful, busy, and sweet 1 ½ year old girl. She’s everything I never knew I needed. I went from having a career to a stay at home mama/homemaker overnight. I couldn’t be more grateful or love being home more, but it has definitely been a huge change. I’ve learned so much and finally feel like I’m getting the hang of this!
All I want to do through my blog is encourage other mamas! I definitely don’t know everything but I want to share as I’m learning. I’m obsessed with creating new systems and routines to make our home run smoothly. I love helping Emily continue to grow and learn. And I’m always looking for ways to do things in the most productive, effective, and quickest way possible.
So, let’s be friends! I’ll be posting regularly on here and over on my instagram as well. I’m super excited to get to know you better!